Thomson Aimee, Author at UC-Heik Blog about medicine in Europe Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:47:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thomson Aimee, Author at UC-Heik 32 32 How to Сhoose the Best Evidenсe-Based Mediсine Resourсes for Сliniсians Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:47:16 +0000 In today’s fast-evolving mediсal landsсape, staying updated with the latest сliniсal praсtiсes and treatments is essential for healthсare professionals. Evidenсe-Based Mediсine (EBM) offers a struсtured approaсh to patient сare, emphasizing deсisions based on the best available researсh. However, with the abundanсe of resourсes out there,…

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In today’s fast-evolving mediсal landsсape, staying updated with the latest сliniсal praсtiсes and treatments is essential for healthсare professionals. Evidenсe-Based Mediсine (EBM) offers a struсtured approaсh to patient сare, emphasizing deсisions based on the best available researсh. However, with the abundanсe of resourсes out there, finding trustworthy and reliable EBM resourсes сan be сhallenging. This artiсle will provide сliniсians with a guide on seleсting high-quality EBM resourсes that support effeсtive and informed сliniсal deсision-making.

1. Understand the Сore Prinсiples of Evidenсe-Based Mediсine

Before diving into resourсe seleсtion, it’s important to understand the foundation of EBM. Evidenсe-Based Mediсine сombines three key elements:

  • Best Available Evidenсe: EBM relies on rigorously сonduсted researсh, often from randomized сontrolled trials (RСTs), systematiс reviews, or meta-analyses.
  • Сliniсal Expertise: Сliniсians’ experienсe and expertise are vital for interpreting evidenсe and applying it in praсtiсe.
  • Patient Values and Preferenсes: Effeсtive EBM сonsiders patient-speсifiс needs and values to provide tailored healthсare solutions.

A high-quality EBM resourсe will uphold these prinсiples by presenting well-researсhed evidenсe, praсtiсal appliсation adviсe, and сonsiderations for patient-сentered сare.

2. Evaluate the Reliability and Reputation of the Resourсe

When seleсting EBM resourсes, it’s essential to prioritize those with a strong reputation in the mediсal field. Reсognized and widely used resourсes tend to provide reliable and validated information. Look for resourсes that are peer-reviewed, have affiliations with respeсted institutions, and are frequently сited in mediсal literature. Some trusted EBM resourсes inсlude:

  • Сoсhrane Library: Known for its rigorous systematiс reviews, Сoсhrane provides high-quality evidenсe on healthсare interventions.
  • PubMed and MEDLINE: PubMed provides aссess to a сomprehensive database of biomediсal literature, and many artiсles on PubMed сome from peer-reviewed journals.
  • BMJ Best Praсtiсe: Produсed by the British Mediсal Journal, BMJ Best Praсtiсe provides сliniсal summaries and guidanсe based on up-to-date researсh.

Сheсking for resourсes affiliated with aсademiс institutions or mediсal soсieties сan add сredibility, as these organizations maintain high standards for mediсal aссuraсy and integrity.

3. Assess the Types of Evidenсe Provided

Different сliniсal situations require different types of evidenсe. When сhoosing an EBM resourсe, сonsider the types of evidenсe it provides:

  • Systematiс Reviews and Meta-Analyses: These summarize findings from multiple studies, providing a сomprehensive view of evidenсe. Resourсes like the Сoсhrane Library speсialize in systematiс reviews, making them ideal for gaining a well-rounded understanding of сliniсal questions.
  • Guidelines and Сliniсal Summaries: Resourсes suсh as BMJ Best Praсtiсe, UpToDate, and the National Institute for Health and Сare Exсellenсe (NIСE) provide сliniсal guidelines based on сurrent evidenсe, helping сliniсians make deсisions quiсkly.
  • Primary Researсh Artiсles: For сliniсians who want to delve deeper into speсifiс studies, resourсes like PubMed and Google Sсholar offer aссess to original researсh artiсles.

Сhoosing a resourсe that provides various types of evidenсe allows you to address a range of сliniсal questions—from broad overviews to speсifiс researсh findings.

4. Сonsider Ease of Aссess and Usability

A high-quality EBM resourсe is only useful if it’s aссessible and easy to navigate. Сliniсians are often pressed for time, so look for resourсes that allow quiсk and easy aссess to information. Here are some features to look for:

  • User-Friendly Interfaсe: Resourсes with intuitive navigation, сlear seсtions, and searсh filters save time.
  • Mobile Сompatibility: In today’s mobile-driven world, resourсes that are optimized for mobile use or have a dediсated app are advantageous. UpToDate, for example, has a mobile app that allows сliniсians to aссess information on the go.
  • Searсh Funсtionality: The ability to searсh by keywords, topiсs, or types of evidenсe is сruсial. Advanсed searсh options, suсh as filtering by study design or publiсation date, are also benefiсial.

Aссessibility is key—resourсes that require exсessive effort to navigate сan beсome a barrier to effeсtive сliniсal use.

5. Сheсk for Regular Updates and Сurrenсy

Mediсine evolves rapidly, with new researсh and treatment protoсols emerging regularly. A good EBM resourсe must be frequently updated to ensure сliniсians have aссess to the most сurrent evidenсe. When evaluating resourсes, сheсk their update frequenсy and date of last revision. Reliable EBM platforms like UpToDate and BMJ Best Praсtiсe are known for сontinuous updates, often revising their сontent several times a year to refleсt the latest researсh.

Resourсes that provide updates based on new studies or guidelines will help you stay informed about сhanges in best praсtiсes and ensure you’re making deсisions based on the latest evidenсe.

6. Evaluate the Depth of Analysis and Quality of Сontent

The quality of сontent is сruсial when сhoosing an EBM resourсe. Look for resourсes that not only present data but also analyze and interpret it in a way that’s useful for сliniсal praсtiсe. High-quality EBM resourсes should provide:

  • Detailed Evidenсe Summaries: Summaries should сlearly outline study findings, inсluding strengths, limitations, and praсtiсal impliсations.
  • Сliniсal Appliсation Reсommendations: Resourсes like UpToDate and BMJ Best Praсtiсe inсlude “how-to” seсtions that offer speсifiс adviсe on implementing evidenсe in сliniсal praсtiсe.
  • Transparenсy in Evidenсe Grading: Look for resourсes that grade the quality of evidenсe (e.g., high, moderate, low) and strength of reсommendations. The Grading of Reсommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations (GRADE) system is widely used for this purpose.

A good EBM resourсe doesn’t just give data; it offers insight, helping you understand how to apply evidenсe effeсtively in your praсtiсe.

7. Look for Patient-Сentered Tools and Resourсes

Patient-сentered сare is a fundamental aspeсt of EBM. Some resourсes provide tools to help сliniсians inсorporate patient preferenсes into deсision-making, whiсh сan improve patient engagement and outсomes. When сhoosing EBM resourсes, сonsider those that offer:

  • Patient Deсision Aids: Tools that help patients understand treatment options, risks, and benefits are valuable for shared deсision-making. The Mayo Сliniс and NIСE websites, for example, offer deсision aids tailored for patients.
  • Patient Eduсation Materials: Resourсes that inсlude patient-friendly summaries, explanations, or handouts make it easier for сliniсians to сommuniсate сomplex information.

Patient-сentered tools are a valuable addition, espeсially when working in сollaborative сare settings where understanding patient values is essential.

8. Сonsider Сost and Aссess Options

While some high-quality EBM resourсes are freely aссessible, others require a subsсription. Сliniсians should assess their budget and explore institutional aссess options. Here are some options:

  • Free Aссess Resourсes: Resourсes like PubMed, the Сoсhrane Library (for some сontent), and NIСE are aссessible for free and provide high-quality information.
  • Institutional Subsсriptions: Many hospitals and universities offer institutional subsсriptions to resourсes like UpToDate, BMJ Best Praсtiсe, and СliniсalKey. Сheсk if your institution provides aссess to save on subsсription сosts.
  • Open Aссess Journals: Open-aссess journals are free to the publiс and often provide high-quality researсh artiсles. Examples inсlude PLOS Mediсine and BMС Mediсine.

Weigh the сost against the frequenсy and depth of your сliniсal information needs. Free options may suffiсe for oссasional use, while subsсription resourсes сan be worthwhile for more сomprehensive, day-to-day aссess.

9. Сonsider Peer and Сolleague Reсommendations

Sometimes, the best resourсes are reсommended by сolleagues who understand the speсifiс needs and сhallenges of your сliniсal praсtiсe. Ask peers, mentors, or supervisors about the EBM resourсes they rely on. Reсommendations from trusted sourсes сan help you find resourсes that have already been tested and validated by other сliniсians in similar fields.

Additionally, joining professional networks or attending mediсal сonferenсes сan be an effeсtive way to disсover new resourсes and get firsthand feedbaсk from other healthсare providers.

10. Stay Flexible and Update Your Resourсes Periodiсally

EBM resourсes evolve, and so do your сliniсal needs. Periodiсally review your сhosen resourсes to ensure they’re still relevant and up-to-date with сurrent mediсal praсtiсes. As new teсhnologies emerge, resourсes may improve searсh funсtions, mobile aссess, or сontent depth, so staying flexible and open to new tools is essential.

Сonsider building a small “toolbox” of EBM resourсes that suit different aspeсts of your praсtiсe. For example, you might rely on UpToDate for сliniсal summaries, Сoсhrane for systematiс reviews, and PubMed for speсifiс researсh artiсles.


Сhoosing the best evidenсe-based mediсine resourсes is an essential part of modern сliniсal praсtiсe. By seleсting reputable, updated, aссessible, and сomprehensive resourсes, сliniсians сan make informed deсisions that improve patient сare and outсomes. Remember, the ideal EBM resourсe provides more than just data—it offers guidanсe, insight, and praсtiсal tools to support patient-сentered, evidenсe-based deсision-making. With the right resourсes, сliniсians сan stay informed and enhanсe the quality of сare they provide.

The post How to Сhoose the Best Evidenсe-Based Mediсine Resourсes for Сliniсians appeared first on UC-Heik.

Exploring the Health Benefits for Men: The Influence of Online Casinos Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:17:58 +0000 Online gambling, a pulsating heartbeat in the leisure landscape, magnetizes men globally, turning screens into arenas of thrill. Its prevalence among men is not just a statistic but a reflection of allure, merging technology with the primal instinct of risk-taking. Beyond entertainment, this digital dalliance…

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Online gambling, a pulsating heartbeat in the leisure landscape, magnetizes men globally, turning screens into arenas of thrill. Its prevalence among men is not just a statistic but a reflection of allure, merging technology with the primal instinct of risk-taking. Beyond entertainment, this digital dalliance walks a tightrope between leisure and liability, casting shadows on mental and physical well-being. The roulette wheel spins, cards shuffle, and slots whirl, painting a complex picture of gambling’s impact on health. Unveiling this layer reveals a tapestry interwoven with potential benefits and lurking perils, a domain where chance and consequence converge.

The Psychological Impact of Online Gambling on Men

Online gambling’s allure is undeniable, ensnaring men into virtual worlds where risk meets reward. This engagement goes beyond mere entertainment, burrowing into the cognitive crevices of the male psyche.

Cognitive Stimulation and Skill Development

Casino games like poker demand more than luck; they require a strategic finesse, offering a mental workout that sharpens the mind. This engagement provides cognitive stimulation, enhancing mental agility and decision-making skills. For instance, mastering the strategic complexities of blackjack or navigating the multifaceted scenarios of multi-table poker tournaments can lead to improved mental acuity and problem-solving abilities.

  • Poker: Challenges players to analyze odds and opponent behavior, enhancing logical thinking.
  • Blackjack: Requires memory and strategy, improving concentration and mathematical skills.

Stress Relief and Emotional Well-being

The virtual casino realm can also be a sanctuary, a place where the stresses of life dissolve with each click and spin. Here, men find a form of stress relief, a momentary escape granting emotional respite. Testimonials from online gambling enthusiasts often highlight the soothing, almost therapeutic effect of engaging in low-stakes slots or enjoying casual poker rounds with friends online, illustrating the nuanced balance between leisure and potential addiction.

Exploring these dimensions within the domain of online gambling, particularly on platforms like, unveils a spectrum of psychological effects. It reveals how, in moderation, these digital escapades can foster cognitive resilience and emotional stability, albeit juxtaposed against the backdrop of potential risks.

Physical Health Implications of Online Casino Engagement

The digital universe of online casinos, while offering a sedentary escape, casts a shadow on physical health, necessitating a dialogue on lifestyle balance. The immersive nature of online gambling can inadvertently steer players towards a more sedentary lifestyle, with potential ramifications on physical well-being.

Activity and Lifestyle Balance

The seductive allure of online casinos can lead to extended periods of inactivity, as players remain glued to their screens in pursuit of the next win. This sedentary behavior raises concerns about its impact on physical health, highlighting the need for a balanced approach that integrates physical exercise. Regular physical activity is essential to counterbalance the hours spent in stationary gambling, with exercise regimes acting as a counterweight to the sedentary nature of online betting. 

Sleep Patterns and Online Gambling

The nexus between online gambling and sleep quality is intricate, with late-night gaming sessions potentially upending the natural sleep cycle. The engaging, often intense, nature of online gambling can stimulate the brain, delaying sleep onset and disrupting sleep patterns. This disruption can lead to sleep deprivation, affecting overall health and well-being. Men engaging in nocturnal gambling escapades may find their sleep quality compromised, underscoring the importance of moderation and establishing healthy gaming habits to safeguard against the adverse effects on sleep. 

In navigating the digital terrain of online casinos, understanding and mitigating the potential physical health impacts are crucial. Striking a balance between online gambling activities and maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle, along with regular sleep patterns, is imperative for overall health and well-being.

Social Connections and Community in Online Gambling

The virtual tables and slots of online casinos serve as more than just platforms for gambling; they are venues for vibrant social interaction and community building, reshaping the traditional gambling experience into a communal activity.

Building Relationships Through Online Platforms

Online casinos have transformed solitary gambling into a social event, where players from diverse backgrounds connect, share, and engage in a digital camaraderie. This shift is evident in the environment of online platforms that mimic the social dynamics of physical casinos, offering chat rooms, multiplayer games, and forums. These features facilitate conversations, strategy exchanges, and mutual support among players, fostering a network where individuals can form friendships and a sense of community.

  • Multiplayer poker rooms and live dealer games: Players collaborate or compete while engaging in real-time chat, enhancing the social fabric of online gambling.
  • Virtual reality casinos: These platforms offer an immersive experience where players can interact in a simulated casino environment, bridging the gap between virtual and physical gambling spaces.

The Role of Online Gambling in Social Support Networks

Beyond entertainment, online gambling communities act as support networks, offering solace and understanding among members. These virtual gatherings can significantly reduce feelings of isolation by providing a shared space for individuals facing similar challenges and emotions related to gambling. The communal aspect of online gambling platforms enables individuals to find peer support, share personal experiences, and access collective wisdom, which can be crucial in promoting responsible gambling practices and emotional well-being.

Online gambling is not just a solitary pursuit but a socially enriching activity that fosters community building and support networks, enhancing the overall experience for players.

Conclusion and Future Perspectives

Online casinos, a realm of excitement and risk, wield a dual-edged sword of health impacts for men. While they offer cognitive stimulation, social connections, and stress relief, they also pose risks like sedentary lifestyles and sleep disruptions. The future of online gambling holds promise for health research and interventions, leveraging technology to promote responsible gaming and mental well-being. As men navigate this digital domain, moderation and awareness are key. The evolving landscape of online casinos beckons researchers and stakeholders to delve deeper, exploring the intricate interplay between virtual thrills and physical well-being. Embracing advancements in digital platforms and psychological insights, the future holds potential for a harmonious balance between entertainment and health consciousness in the realm of online gambling.

The post Exploring the Health Benefits for Men: The Influence of Online Casinos appeared first on UC-Heik.

Innovations in Modern Surgical Techniques Fri, 26 Apr 2024 14:16:27 +0000 This article delves into the “Innovations in Modern Surgical Techniques,” tracing the historical evolution of surgery and examining cutting-edge advancements. It highlights key developments like minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgeries, smart instruments, and novel materials. The piece is aimed at medical professionals, students, and technology…

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This article delves into the “Innovations in Modern Surgical Techniques,” tracing the historical evolution of surgery and examining cutting-edge advancements. It highlights key developments like minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgeries, smart instruments, and novel materials. The piece is aimed at medical professionals, students, and technology enthusiasts, offering insights into how these innovations enhance precision, reduce recovery times, and improve patient outcomes. Readers will gain an understanding of the future direction of surgical technology and the ethical considerations involved, making it a comprehensive guide to the latest trends in the surgical field.

Historical Overview of Surgical Innovations

The journey of surgical innovations is a testament to human ingenuity, tracing back to ancient times when rudimentary tools and techniques were used for healing. Initially, surgery was simplistic, relying on basic methods like suturing wounds and setting bones. As civilizations advanced, so did surgical practices. The Greek physician Hippocrates laid the groundwork for surgical ethics, while the Roman medical writer Galen contributed significantly to early surgical knowledge. 

The Renaissance period marked a turning point with the advent of anatomical studies, enhancing understanding of the human body. However, it was the 19th and 20th centuries that witnessed revolutionary changes, spurred by the discovery of anesthesia and antiseptics, which made surgeries less painful and more sterile. The 20th century saw the advent of minimally invasive techniques, starting with the first laparoscopic procedure. This paved the way for modern surgical innovations, where technology and methodology have advanced to offer precision, reduce recovery times, and improve overall patient outcomes. Today’s surgical landscape is characterized by robotic-assisted surgeries, advanced imaging techniques, and a focus on patient-specific procedures, showcasing a significant transition from traditional to modern surgical techniques.

Key Innovations in Surgical Technology

Surgical technology has evolved significantly, offering groundbreaking methods that enhance the efficacy and safety of medical procedures. Among these, Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) and Robotic-Assisted Surgery stand out as transformative advancements.

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

MIS represents a leap forward in surgical technique, prioritizing smaller incisions, reduced pain, and quicker recovery times compared to traditional open surgery. This approach minimizes tissue damage and shortens hospital stays, which significantly improves patient outcomes. Examples of MIS techniques include:

  • Laparoscopy: Utilizing a laparoscope to perform abdominal surgeries through small incisions.
  • Endoscopy: Inserting a flexible tube with a camera to view or operate on internal organs without large incisions.
  • Robotic surgery: Enhancing the capabilities of laparoscopy with robotic precision and control.

Robotic-Assisted Surgery

Robotic systems in surgery have revolutionized the field by providing unparalleled precision and control. These systems, such as the da Vinci Surgical System, combine advanced robotics, 3D visualization, and articulated instruments to facilitate complex procedures. Their development has been a game-changer, especially in areas requiring meticulous precision, like neurosurgery, cardiothoracic, and urological surgeries. The impact of robotic-assisted surgery is profound, offering:

  • Enhanced surgical precision and flexibility.
  • Improved control over surgical instruments.
  • Better visualization of the surgical site.
  • Reduced surgeon fatigue, leading to better outcomes in lengthy procedures.

Together, MIS and robotic-assisted surgery embody the pinnacle of modern surgical innovations, enabling safer, more effective, and patient-centered surgical care.

Advancements in Surgical Materials and Tools

The evolution of surgical materials and tools has played a crucial role in advancing medical procedures, enhancing both safety and efficacy. Innovations like smart surgical instruments and biocompatible materials are at the forefront of this transformation.

Smart Surgical Instruments

Smart surgical instruments are equipped with advanced technologies that provide real-time feedback and augmented reality integration, revolutionizing the way surgeries are performed. These instruments increase surgical accuracy and reduce the potential for human error by offering enhanced visibility and precision. For example, sensors on surgical tools can alert surgeons to vital tissue properties, aiding in more accurate incisions and suturing.

Biocompatible Materials and Tissue Engineering

Recent advancements in surgical materials have introduced a variety of biocompatible options that integrate well with the human body, promoting faster healing and reducing rejection risks. These include:

  • Titanium and its alloys for bone surgery, known for their strength and compatibility with body tissues.
  • Polymers like polylactic acid (PLA) used in sutures and tissue engineering, renowned for their biodegradability and minimal inflammatory response.
  • Hydrogels for wound care and drug delivery, appreciated for their moisture retention and ability to mimic tissue properties.

Additionally, tissue engineering has made significant strides, with the development of lab-grown tissues and organs offering new possibilities for regenerative medicine. This field combines scaffolding materials, growth factors, and cells to create functional tissues, aiding in the repair or replacement of damaged organs and revolutionizing reconstructive surgery and organ transplantation.

Improvements in Surgical Techniques and Procedures

Surgical techniques and procedures have undergone significant improvements, becoming more precise and less invasive. Innovations such as Image-Guided Surgery (IGS) and non-invasive treatment alternatives have redefined surgical standards and patient care.

Image-Guided Surgery (IGS)

Image-Guided Surgery (IGS) utilizes advanced imaging technology to enhance surgical accuracy and safety. This technique allows surgeons to view high-definition, three-dimensional images of the patient’s anatomy during surgery, leading to more precise incisions, reduced risk of complications, and improved outcomes. IGS has been particularly transformative in neurosurgery, orthopedics, and ENT procedures, where the margin for error is minimal.

Non-invasive Treatment Alternatives

Non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments have revolutionized patient care by offering effective solutions with less risk and downtime. These methods include:

  • Cryotherapy: Uses extreme cold to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue.
  • Laser surgery: Employs focused light beams to remove or treat tissues.
  • Focused ultrasound surgery: Utilizes high-frequency ultrasound waves to heat and destroy targeted tissue without damaging surrounding areas.

Here is a comparative analysis of these non-invasive techniques with traditional surgical methods:

Treatment MethodNon-invasive/Minimally InvasiveTraditional Surgery
CryotherapyLocalized treatment with minimal tissue damageMay require extensive tissue removal
Laser SurgeryPrecise targeting with minimal scarringCan result in larger scars and longer recovery
Focused Ultrasound SurgeryNo incisions, preserving surrounding tissuesMay involve incisions and affect adjacent tissues

These advancements highlight the shift towards more patient-friendly surgical options, emphasizing the importance of precision, reduced recovery time, and improved overall outcomes.

Future Directions and Ethical Considerations

As we look towards the future of surgery, emerging technologies and ethical considerations are shaping the next frontier in surgical innovation. Predictive advancements and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) are set to redefine surgical standards and patient care.

Innovation Trends in Surgical Technology

The future of surgical techniques and technologies is poised for transformative changes, with AI and machine learning leading the charge. These advancements are expected to enhance precision, reduce human error, and streamline surgical workflows. AI-driven analytics can predict patient outcomes, customize surgical plans, and assist in real-time decision-making. Machine learning algorithms are being developed to improve diagnostic accuracy, optimize surgical techniques, and predict potential complications before they occur. This integration of technology in surgery promises to elevate the level of care, making procedures more efficient, safer, and tailored to individual patient needs.

The potential impact of AI in surgery extends beyond operational efficiency. It includes the ability to perform complex analyses of medical data, leading to more informed surgical decisions and personalized patient care strategies. As these technologies evolve, they will continually redefine the boundaries of what is possible in the surgical field.


In the dynamic realm of surgical innovation, each stride forward intertwines complexity with breakthrough, crafting a landscape where the conventional borders of medicine are ceaselessly reimagined. The odyssey from rudimentary incisions to the precision of robotic arms epitomizes not merely technological evolution but a paradigm shift in patient-centric care. As we traverse this intricate tapestry of modern surgery, where smart tools and biocompatible marvels redefine healing, we stand at the cusp of an era where AI’s intellect merges with the surgeon’s skill, promising a horizon brimming with precision, efficiency, and bespoke therapeutic interventions. Thus, the continuum of surgical innovation, a testament to human ingenuity and empathy, remains pivotal, ensuring that the art and science of surgery perennially enhance the sanctity of patient care, heralding an epoch where the once inconceivable becomes the cornerstone of medical excellence.

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The history of the emergence of modern medicine Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:30:23 +0000 Medicine is a science, as well as a sphere of practical activity, the purpose of which today is to prevent and cure diseases. At the initial stage of development, it specialized mainly in the treatment, and not in the prevention of diseases; modern medical science…

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Medicine is a science, as well as a sphere of practical activity, the purpose of which today is to prevent and cure diseases. At the initial stage of development, it specialized mainly in the treatment, and not in the prevention of diseases; modern medical science has a comprehensive approach to prevention and treatment.

Current knowledge of medicine in prehistoric times is based primarily on the study of fossil remains. A number of other pieces of information were provided by the practice of the primitive peoples known today. The medicine of those times suggested supernatural causes of diseases – the influence of evil spirits or the result of witchcraft. Magical medicine is still practiced in Polynesia, partly in the central parts of Africa and Australia. The magical direction gives rise to quackery, one of the first human professions.

Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, the disease was considered as a punishment of divine origin, more precisely – the will from above. However, by the V century. BC. the Greeks move from superstition to scientific research, though these were not entirely divided. For example, the god Asclepius was considered the giver of healing, but at the same time a qualified medical practitioner.

The initial references to medical facts appear in the scenes of Homer’s Iliad, in descriptions of the treatment of victims during the Trojan War. This area of knowledge is also mentioned in other works of literature of those times. It is covered in the most detailed way in the treatises attributed to Hippocrates (approximately 460-377 BC), the most famous healer of those times. He is even called the “father of medicine” and is considered the creator of the oath of the same name. It is believed that it was Hippocrates who was the author of the idea of clinical medicine, i.e. study of the disease through examination of the patient himself.

Ancient Rome

In ancient times, Etruscan medicine had great authority, but we don’t know much about it today: for example, the Etruscans preferred to drain swamps for malaria, they knew how to treat their teeth well.

The Romans were not particularly respectful of the doctor’s profession, considering such an occupation unworthy of the citizens of Rome. Often, medical practice served as the lot of slaves. Greek doctors were viewed with suspicion. Only Julius Caesar gives citizenship to Greek doctors, stereotypes are dispelled over time, and such specialists become in demand, rich. The medicine of this period reaches its peak with Galen (AD 130–200), the last eminent Greek doctor of the Roman Empire.

Middle Ages

Byzantine medicine

Before the arrival of the barbarians, the center of the Roman lands moved to Byzantium. Here attempts were made to preserve the legacy of previous times. The Middle Ages brought many wars, epidemics, and Christian doctrine was often accepted with desperate fanaticism. The very understanding of the nature of diseases is regressing, which were associated not with ordinary factors, but were considered the punishment of a sinner. Although Christian charity involved the care of the sick and new hospitals were established for this, healing methods were not based on medical knowledge.

Arabic medicine

Arab civilization showed great tolerance for the knowledge of foreigners. The origin of Arabic medicine dates back to before the birth of Muhammad (570-632). Famous doctors: Hunayn ibn-Ishaq al-Ibadi, al-Razi, Isaac Ben Salomon Israel. Avicenna’s Canon becomes a work that combines the results of the Greco-Arab period in the development of medical science, the main source of knowledge in Asia and Europe for the next 6 centuries. Surgery has long been regarded as inferior, a characteristic of both the Arab and Christian worldviews.

Renaissance era

The Renaissance, which began in the 14th century, lasted about two hundred years, becoming one of the most significant periods in the existence of human civilization. In this era, Hippocrates and Aristotle could freely be studied in the original.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) became the first modern anatomist; the scientist performed autopsies, made a number of important discoveries, in particular, he found the maxillary sinus. The anatomical drawings of this great naturalist are very accurate.

The work of Paracelsus (ca. 1493-1541), the most famous figure of the Renaissance, is filled with the contradictions inherent in those times. But in some aspects he is very progressive: Paracelsus spoke of the need to stop the gap between medicine and surgery, insisted on keeping wounds clean, made the form of recipes simpler, but completely denied the authorities of antiquity. Surgery in this era is the lot of barbers, in terms of status, it, as before, is lower than medicine.

Seventeenth century

Perhaps the most significant contribution of the Renaissance to the field of medical knowledge was that it managed to deal a significant blow to authoritarian approaches in philosophy, as well as in science in general. The most important discovery, which turned the views of physicians, was the discovery of blood circulation.

The result of the extensive work of this century is the formation of scientific societies (England, Italy, Germany), which carry out research activities, publish publications about its results in famous scientific publications. The most important society in medicine of those times was the Royal Society in England (four founders became the authors of the actual doctrine of breathing).

Anatomy did not lag behind physiology. Almost half of its terms come from the 17th century, being associated with the names of Steno, Virzung, Pakhioni, etc. Of considerable importance in the evolution of microscopy, anatomical knowledge was the school of Leiden, which became in the 17th century. center of medical knowledge. Clinical medicine also achieves considerable results, the recognition of diseases is developing.

Eighteenth century

In the medical field, this period is becoming more of an era of systematization, assimilation of existing knowledge, rather than global discoveries. It is characterized by an improvement in education in medicine, the foundation of new schools of this profile (Vienna, Edinburgh, Glasgow).

As for the field of clinical medicine, it should be said about the progress in the field of obstetrics, the evolution of preventive medicine. Despite the lack of anesthesia, surgery in these years is also moving forward significantly.

nineteenth century

The works of L. Pasteur (1822-1895), who established the origin of infectious diseases, became the beginning of the “bacteriological era”. Based on the works of the scientist, J. Lister (1827-1912) offers an antiseptic method for wounds. Its use can significantly reduce complications due to injuries or surgical interventions.

Microbiology, epidemiology are developing, the causative agents of various infections have been identified, and the reasons due to which resistance to diseases arises – immunity – have been clarified.

The twentieth century

The discovery of X-rays (V. K. Roentgen, 1895-1897) was the beginning of radiation diagnosis, without which it is now impossible to imagine examinations.

Starting from the 2nd part of the XX century. During the technological revolution and medicine, the role of electronics is important. There are innovative ways of fixing the features of organs through different devices.

Electron microscopy makes it possible to magnify thousands of times, and this makes it possible to study the smallest details in the structure of the cell, as well as the changes that occur in them. Medical cybernetics can boast of active development.

Genetics (its main provisions were laid by G. Mendel) establishes the laws of heredity, discovers variability. The discovery of blood types by K. Landsteiner and Ya. Jansky (1900 – 1907) was the beginning of the use of transfusions in practice. At the beginning of the XX century. Dr. P. Ehrlich laid the foundations of chemotherapy.

Well advanced originated in the XX century. the doctrine of vitamins (they were discovered by N. Lunin), the patterns of development of a number of vitamin deficiencies were clarified, and ways to prevent them were discovered. The doctrine of the endocrine glands has developed into a separate discipline (endocrinology).

The success of chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, the use of psychotropic drugs that selectively act on the central nervous system, the possibility of surgical intervention on the so-called. open heart surgery, surgery on the brain or other previously inaccessible parts of the body, changed the image of medicine, allowed the doctor to better manage the course of the disease.

In our age of dynamic development of innovative technologies, the prospects for the medical field of knowledge are truly limitless.

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How to earn your own hospital in online casinos Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:33:08 +0000 You might think that winning at an online casino is all about luck. But there are actually a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. In this blog article, you will learn some tips to help you make money at online…

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You might think that winning at an online casino is all about luck. But there are actually a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. In this blog article, you will learn some tips to help you make money at online casinos for your hospital, as well as which online casinos you can actually win at.

What will help you win at the online-casino

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When it comes to how to win at an online casino, look out for casinos thatgive welcome bonuses or offer free spins. These bonuses will help the player get more value for their money and also leave them with enough capital to bet bigger and increase their chances of winning big. Casinos that offer welcome bonuses or free spins usually offer games from the biggest software developers, so players can be assured of a fair game. They also have some of the most competitive bonus structures so you get more value for your money. More details can be found on the portal

The Importance of RTP in Casinos

Playing at an online casino can be fascinating experience, and the best way to win at the online-casino and maximize the your chances of success is to look for games that offer a high return to player percentage. This will minimize the house edge and you will even have a better chance of walking away with a win than in traditional casino games. With careful research and analysis, you can find the best casino games that offer RTP percentages ranging from the mid-90s and up. The most popular options are slots and progressive jackpots as they often offer some of the highest returns on your investment. So if you want to enjoy the thrill that online casinos offer and want to know how to beat the casino, look for the games with the highest RTP percentage. But by following the link best mobile casinos you can see the casinos where you can earn money for your hospital

Strategy for the game

When it comes to playing at a casino, one of the smartest methods to increase your chances of success is to use a betting strategy. Whether you’re playing slots or table games and wonder how to to win at an online casino, these tactics will help you maximize your winnings, cut short-term losses, and increase their overall profit from your gaming sessions. A common betting strategy used by bettors is to set a certain bet amount per round, split the total amount over multiple rounds, and stick to that amount. Of course, at certain points it can be useful to change the size of the stakes, but having a basic structure before the game starts will be the most beneficial. Implementing a betting strategy has proven to be an effective way for players to improve their game and get closer to their financial goals!

Bankroll management

One of the most important steps to responsible gambling is managing your bankroll. All players, whether betting in person or online, must set strict budget limits prior to playing. That way, even if things don’t go according to plan and your funds run out, you won’t go beyond what you can afford to lose. Having a clear idea of how much money you are comfortable with losing will help deter risky decisions and ensure that the enjoyment of gambling does not become detrimental to your life. By managing your bankroll wisely, you can not only enjoy the excitement of making calculated bets, but also be sure that you will not get into financial difficulties.

Need to stop in time

While the prospect of success can be tempting, it’s better to stop while you’re ahead than to continue and risk everything. Winning should not be taken lightly as it almost always comes at the cost of leaving something on the table. If the player knows when to take a break from the current task, he eliminates the possibility of an unexpected or unfavorable outcome. The principle of quitting while you’re ahead encourages thoughtful decision making – focusing on long-term goals rather than short-term whims – and can prove that even more satisfaction can be gained by letting go.

How to beat a casino: proven methods for clients

In the gambling sphere, it is necessary to decide on verified sites, profitable bonus programs, additional opportunities on the top platforms of Ukraine. If you want to understand how to win in a casino, use the following tips:

  1. Clearly determine the rates of bets depending on the bankroll, financial capabilities and goals. The size of the bet per line, spin always determines the payouts you can count on if the reels spin successfully.
  2. Do not try to beat the machine if after a series of bets you have not received even the minimum payment. In this case, it is better to switch to another provider or gambling development.
  3. Study the technical features of the game emulator before launching it for money. In the description of each slot, its real possibilities are fixed according to the frequency of prize combinations and potential payouts.
  4. Focus on gaming devices with an attractive thematic line. The slot should attract you from the point of view of the story format. Only in this case will it bring real benefit.
  5. Make the most of offers from casino administrators. Profitable bonuses with clear wagering conditions will be really worthwhile from the point of view of opportunities to increase capital without risks.
  6. Start with demo versions of emulators to determine how to win in an online casino. Through free spins of the reels, there are even more chances to win when switching to the hryvnia betting format.

The post How to earn your own hospital in online casinos appeared first on UC-Heik.

How to choose health insurance for traveling abroad? Fri, 13 Jan 2023 14:06:02 +0000 You can buy a cheap ticket or a last minute tour – at a discount without any tricks – and thus save money. With the insurance for traveling abroad is a little different. Do not just buy the cheapest possible one. Yes, you will save…

The post How to choose health insurance for traveling abroad? appeared first on UC-Heik.

You can buy a cheap ticket or a last minute tour – at a discount without any tricks – and thus save money. With the insurance for traveling abroad is a little different.

Do not just buy the cheapest possible one. Yes, you will save money, but there may be unforeseen situations. It is important to understand what insurance is right for you and for your trip, and only then seek a specific insurance, but cheaper.

Do you always need travel insurance to travel abroad?

In theory, not always. It all depends on the requirements of the country you are going to. But make it a rule: always take out travel insurance for all participants of your trip!

The cost of travel insurance is incommensurate with the cost of medical services in most foreign countries. You shouldn’t be tempted to believe that you won’t get sick – different environment, food, water. Are you sure you know how your body will behave in the new conditions? Yes, and recreation has not been canceled: it is unlikely you will fly to a new country to lie on the couch and play online casino on your cell phone.

What insurance is necessary for traveling abroad

How to choose insurance for the visa? Find out the requirements of the country you are going to – the minimum amount of coverage, the list of insurable risks and other nuances.

For example, in order to obtain a Schengen visa, insurance coverage is required from 30,000 Euros and is valid in all Schengen countries.

All necessary information can be found on the official website of the consulate or visa center of the selected country. The information you get at this stage is the minimum information that your insurance must meet in order to successfully obtain the visa and further entry into the country.

Are all insurances equally useful?

Visa insurance is basic and the cheapest, so most people choose it. Self-travelers thinking that the main thing is to get a visa, and those who travel through package tours – the insurance is already included in the price, and it seems there is no need to understand its nuances.

The experts advise to better understand the terms and to protect yourself from potential trouble! First of all, travel insurance must meet your needs and provide for all possible contingencies of your trip, and not just be a formality!

What is included in the basic insurance

Everything at a minimum. Usually includes reimbursement for the following expenses:

  • Emergency medical expenses for a sudden illness or accident, as well as prescribed medications;
  • The costs of transportation of the insured to a medical facility, repatriation costs;
  • travel expenses for children who are left without custody in the event of illness of the insured to their country of residence, as well as round-trip travel expenses for a close relative if the insured requires long-term treatment and care.

Almost all travel insurances nowadays include coronavirus treatment for the duration of your trip. When searching for and choosing insurance, focus on the special notes about COVID-19 risk coverage during your trip.

If you’re afraid of getting a positive PCP test and/or getting sick before your flight, take out travel cancellation insurance. If this happens, you can get a refund for your unexpectedly cancelled trip through your insurance company.

What is not included in the standard insurance for a visa or tour

A lot of things that can really come in handy. Usually not included, but would need to include reimbursement for the following medical services:

  • Assistance for exacerbations of existing chronic conditions, sunburn and allergies;
  • Medical support for complications of pregnancy;
  • Emergency dental care;
  • Treatment of dengue fever;
  • Treatment of injuries sustained during outdoor activities or extreme sports. Standard policies do not reimburse for accidents that occur even during one-time activities such as skiing, snowboarding, water skiing, or driving or riding as a passenger on water scooters, scooters, mopeds, or yachts.

So if you have any chronic illnesses, you are pregnant, going to rest actively, traveling with a child – particularly carefully review all the conditions. It is better to pay extra for the necessary options, but you will be calm during the whole trip!

By the way, if you are going to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines), make sure your insurance covers dengue treatment. In recent years in Vietnam, for example, there has been an almost twofold increase in the incidence of the disease, it is better to be insured.

From some more nuances, how to choose the best insurance for yourself:

  1. If you anticipate a certain physical activity during your trip (not only extreme sports, but also simple hiking, trekking, diving, snorkeling, fishing, running, cycling, bowling, etc.), your policy should definitely provide for it. Pay attention to the restrictions of the insurance: maximum depth of a dive while diving, height of ascent while trekking in the mountains, etc.
  2. If you are going to ride a bike/moped (relevant to Asian countries and resorts – Thailand, Vietnam, Bali), you need a motorcycle/moped insurance option. Otherwise, if you get into a traffic accident on vacation, you will have to pay for the treatment yourself. A mandatory condition for travel insurance on a moped in many insurance companies is a driving license category “A”. In this case, you must ride sober and in a helmet.
  3. If you know for sure that you are going to consume alcohol during your trip, it is better to get insurance with the option “Assistance in the presence of alcohol intoxication. If your health insurance does not include this clause and the medical report states that the victim was intoxicated (more than 0.5 ppm), you will be denied payment. But the test for blood alcohol content is not always done, mostly in cases of inadequate behavior, if intoxication makes others uncomfortable.
  4. Even advanced travel insurance for pregnant women often has limitations on the duration of pregnancy (up to a maximum of 31 weeks at the end of the trip) and the amount of possible reimbursement, does not include such insured events as childbirth (including premature birth), so before the trip objectively assess your state of health!

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Healthcare and gambling, the pros and cons, the dangers and improvements Fri, 13 Jan 2023 12:17:32 +0000 Nowadays, we have a very popular global sphere of entertainment which is getting bigger every day. And while its bigger side is about entertainment, fun, excitement etc., there are also some hidden dangers as well. We are talking about Gambling. The casino world of today…

The post Healthcare and gambling, the pros and cons, the dangers and improvements appeared first on UC-Heik.

Nowadays, we have a very popular global sphere of entertainment which is getting bigger every day. And while its bigger side is about entertainment, fun, excitement etc., there are also some hidden dangers as well. We are talking about Gambling. The casino world of today has never been bigger, and it is working in the physical and in online worlds simultaneously. People can play in real casinos, or play online from their PCs and laptops without leaving their homes, playing absolutely everywhere using mobile casino versions on their smartphones and tablets. They can place bets on sports, horse and dog racing, play live casino games and many more. There are two main types of theories about gambling and healthcare: one tells us that healthcare services have problems with gambling, while the other claims that gambling positively impacts your memory and health. In this article, we will go through both of these theories and point out the most important thesis, walk through all the nuances and this will help us to better understand both theories and make our decision about the two.

Why do healthcare services have problems with gambling?

If we compare gambling to most other addictive behaviours, like drugs or alcohol for example, then we will see that gambling is largely ignored by health services and public health agencies. Partially this is happening because gambling is a hidden concern, and it does not manifest with physical warning signs. The visible signs are usually present only when a case has extreme results like major life crises, nervous breakdowns, huge debts, attempts of suicide etc.

The problem is that the gambling industry has a conflict of interest when we talk about people with gambling problems because they account for large amounts of industry revenue. So, if we are talking about the reduction of gambling problems, then we are also talking about the reduction of profits too. One of the researches in Great Britain shows that general practice, which is usually the first point of contact with the healthcare system, does have problems with gambling. In a study of more than 1,000 patients in waiting rooms of general practices in the southwest of England, around one in 20 patients reported at least some degree of a gambling problem. These levels were higher among young males and patients showing signs of depression or risky drinking. Around 7% of respondents reported problems among family members and were also likely to experience harm from gambling.

This is only one research, taken as an example. But there are more in different countries of Europe. And as we can see, the biggest problem with gambling is that these issues are hidden from view compared to health concerns that are more visibly obvious. This means that for the healthcare system lies a serious problem that needs to be resolved.

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Is there a positive impact of gambling on your health and memory?

And now let us look at the other theory about the positive impact of gambling on our health, mental state and memory. Some of the research also show that gambling can bring positive effects on your health in some ways, like improving your short-term memory, and brain functionality, it can help with social interaction and even multitasking. For example, playing card games like poker can help you to improve your short-term memory, because such games force players to think and use their minds to come up with an effective strategy to win. By learning to play new games, players can also improve their brain functionality because they are forced to learn new skills and their brain quickly kicks in and learns in a fast-paced manner. For those who have trouble with going out and meeting people in the real world, playing in an online format can help to overcome some shyness and get them to interact with new people online. Besides, if you play live in real-time, then you are forced to communicate with live dealers.

As you can see, there are two sides to one medal and two points of view. There are a lot of people in the world who gamble on a regular basis without any problems with their health, without addiction and crisis. They do it for fun, they do it for money, and they enjoy themselves. There are celebrities famous for their gambling habits. On the other side, there are people who suffer from gambling addiction, and because of gambling they have destroyed their relationships, lost their jobs, suffer from depression and have debts. Gambling is risky, it can be dangerous, so you have to be careful.

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Top 5 Telemedicine Companies to Invest in 2023 Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:35:21 +0000 With the constant growth of the healthcare industry, many telemedicine companies have come to the market to present their online solutions for various healthcare providers. Through various platforms and tools, many companies are available to provide healthcare support very easily. And there are many startups…

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With the constant growth of the healthcare industry, many telemedicine companies have come to the market to present their online solutions for various healthcare providers. Through various platforms and tools, many companies are available to provide healthcare support very easily. And there are many startups and already well-established companies that you can get stocks from and contribute to the development of the telemedicine and telehealth industry. 

Many online platforms are focused on providing support for people interested in telehealth companies. According to the analysts at Brokerschart, it is much easier to find a suitable brokering agency with such platforms. Everyone can check the list of available brokering agencies through the website Some of the most commonly preferred companies include Libertex, Bitpanda, and many others. You can find more information about the top company in this industry Libertex by following this link By comparing brokers, you will be able to find the one that suits your requirements the most.

Below, we have separated the top 5 telehealth companies that are worth getting stocks from. So without further ado, let’s dive deeper into this topic and find out more about those companies.

Teladoc Health

Teladoc Health is one of the most popular telehealth companies that provide online digital health support for its patients. Additionally, many popular companies that are on the list of Fortune 500, use Teladoc’s services. Although this telehealth company has become very popular in the last few years, the company’s owners mention that there is a lot to improve in the platform, which will allow them to attract new targets. And it makes a great chance for many investors to take action and get stocks from this company. 


Another great telehealth platform that was founded in France is called Doctolib. This is one of the most used platforms in the telemedicine and telehealth industry all over the world. Having more than 35 million users, the platform allows many people to have consultations with various doctors, make appointments in different hospitals and clinics, and so much more. This platform surely has great potential to become a leading platform in this particular industry. 


Next on our list is the digital solution for the telemedicine and telehealth industry called Amwell. The company provides software solutions to various patients and doctors in the healthcare industry to use their services and make their daily task operations much easier. This digital healthcare company allows many patients to virtually connect with their doctors, find their prescriptions, as well as doctors can consult with the patients through pre-made appointments. 


We have also included Medaviz on our list of top 5 telehealth companies to invest in as it provides something different in the telemedicine and telehealth industry. This particular platform is created for doctors, who can regularly provide consultations and share their expertise with other doctors and patients from various countries. The platform allows healthcare professionals to connect with people who need their services every day. 


The last company on our list that can be considered for investments is Doximity, which allows various healthcare professionals to connect. It is like LinkedIn but for healthcare specialists. This platform has great potential to become one of the leading telehealth platforms in the world in the upcoming years. 

Why Have Telemedicine Companies Become Popular?

The popularity of telemedicine companies began to grow during the pandemic – in 2020 and 2021, when the demand for online medicine increased. In 2020, this demand was literally vital, because the pandemic took ordinary life into a strict framework of social distancing and the regime of limiting visits to any institutions, in particular medical ones. Thus, telemedicine companies began to actively develop. And given the convenience of the online format of medical services, the demand for telemedicine has not fallen after the pandemic, but, on the contrary, is growing rapidly.

Final Thoughts

There are many different companies in the telehealth industry that are worth investing in. And we have separated only 5 of them. If you decided to get stocks from similar companies, it is always best to consult with brokering specialists first and then proceed with the investment processes. The future is digital, and the telehealth industry certainly has a great prospect to grow even further. 

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Countries with Universal or Free Healthcare Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:32:37 +0000 According to recent studies done by the World Health Organization, a great number of the population is not able to get access to the required healthcare. And to avoid this kind of situation, many countries have decided to enforce a universal health care system, which…

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According to recent studies done by the World Health Organization, a great number of the population is not able to get access to the required healthcare. And to avoid this kind of situation, many countries have decided to enforce a universal health care system, which will be funded by the government of the country. This kind of healthcare system allows around 90% of the country’s citizens to get affordable healthcare. 

Some governments even implement fully government-funded healthcare systems, allowing their citizens to use the healthcare services entirely for free, regardless of the income of the household. There are over 50 countries that have this method implemented in their health system. And we have prepared a list of some of the countries that are the most prominent for their free or universal healthcare system. 


Brazil is one of the best countries to highlight a universal healthcare system as its government allows all the country’s residents to use healthcare services without any fee. This approach is available to anyone living in Brazil. Whether you are a Brazilian citizen, a refugee, or a tourist, you can get medical health care in hospitals. Another great remark is that people can get any kind of medical service for free, starting with an emergency check-up and ending with prescription medication without any required documents. 


All of us have probably heard at least once that healthcare in Canada is entirely free. However, it is only available to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Many people try to become Canadian citizens because of this particular benefit that the country provides to its residents. 


Next on our list is France. France has two types of hospitals, private and state-run. In comparison with other countries, both types of hospitals have the same degree of dominance in the healthcare industry. And all French citizens who have health insurance get free healthcare from all the French hospitals. 


The Swedish healthcare system is next on our list of the best universal healthcare countries in the world. Around 1% of Swedish nationals have a chance to get a free healthcare system thanks to the private health plans they get through their employers. However, a high-quality healthcare system is available for all Swedish citizens at affordable spending. This country is one of the most popular ones for having an affordable healthcare system. 

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom provides healthcare support both for British citizens and migrant workers. And many people can get emergency medical treatment either for free or at a very low cost. There are various healthcare programs implemented by the NHS that allow British citizens to find medical and healthcare support in various hospitals and clinics. 


We could not forget about Germany, which is the last on our list but certainly not the least. Germany’s universal health system is one of the oldest. Although Germany provides distinctive healthcare support, the costs can be very high. That is why, it is required for all German citizens to have health insurance, which will cover all the costs of healthcare and medical support. All the medically necessary healthcare support is available for free through public healthcare as well. However, most of the costs come from the hospitals through treatments or operations, which can only be covered through health insurance. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Healthcare

So what are the benefits of free healthcare? Firstly, all citizens have access to medical services – and this certainly has a positive effect on the duration and quality of life. Secondly, the availability of universal medicine helps health authorities control the quality and cost of medical services. Thus, medical institutions will not be able to poach wealthier patients by offering them a wider range of services, which in turn creates inequality. But there are also minuses in universal healthcare, which largely depend on organizational issues in the healthcare sector. For example, sometimes patients have to wait months to see a doctor if the healthcare system is not functioning properly.

The Bottom Line

It is every country’s responsibility to take action toward providing free healthcare and medical support to all their nationals and permanent residents. However, not all countries have this opportunity yet. Although most of the European countries’ residents get the chance to use the free or universal healthcare systems, the terms and conditions of getting this opportunity vary from country to country. 

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Development of medical ethics in Europe Tue, 08 Nov 2022 11:34:23 +0000 Starting in the 15th to 17th centuries, the idea that people should act and interfere with what was created by nature became more popular in accordance with scientific viewpoints. Western medicine is home to a Hippocratic ethos which can be seen in the works of…

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Starting in the 15th to 17th centuries, the idea that people should act and interfere with what was created by nature became more popular in accordance with scientific viewpoints. Western medicine is home to a Hippocratic ethos which can be seen in the works of doctors, philosophers and public figures, the discussion of human rights adds an important perspective to the healthcare field. Human rights in healthcare capture themes such as fairness in distribution, observance of medical confidentiality and respect for the patient’s dignity – issues that are important for all countries. Healing itself is beginning to be understood as an activity in the course of which the benefit of individuals and society as a whole is created. Medical ethics includes a new moral principle formulated by the great Paracelsus – that medicines should act not only on the symptom, but also on its origin – and therefore includes a new obligation to cultivate health.

A great German doctor, known by his pseudonym in the profession, made a significant contribution to the development of medical ethics. The figure Paracelsus is a pseudonym which was created with the merging of two words: “para” (similar) and the name of an ancient Roman. He enters the history of medical ethics as the creator of a new moral principle of medical activity, supplementing the Hippocratic principle “do no harm” with “do good” in order to promote a noble profession.

The idea of ​​the need for vigorous activity aimed at creating good was the result of his entire religious and philosophical concept, the main component of which was ethical views on the essence of man in their relationship with medical problems. His ideas merge religious, philosophical and ethical reflections with the experience a natural scientist and practical experiences of healing.

In Paracelsian philosophy, healing is an organized implementation of the idea that man & the cosmos are inextricably linked. Much like ancient philosophers, Paracelsus believed that healing involves a unity between what’s going on in the environment and your person.

Christian ideas of mercy and love of neighbor continue to be the fundamental moral principles for medicine. In 1617, Vincent Paul started a commune called Sisters of Mercy in France to better reflect these principles. St. Francis was always merciful to others and was known for his support of the poor, sick, and needy. One example of his overflowing mercy is when he wrote the charter of this community – “mercy to the neighbor is the surest sign of a Christian.” V. Paul was the first to propose phrases such as ‘sister of mercy’ and ‘elder sister’ for the act of caring for others and supporting them spiritually.

Members of this society visited the sick and tried teach them how to be healthier. Along with their visits, they also discussed religious topics and read books to the patient. They made a point of giving instructions for better living and for a more dignified death as well. Louise de Marillac was head of the society from 1633 to 1641, and through her work became convinced that caring for the sick requires a thorough theoretical training. She founded a school to give sisters this knowledge quickly, in 1641.

Compassion and Mercy should be the norm of Christian morality. All around the world, sisters help with everything from healthcare to orphanages and provide support for victims of war as well. Napoleon, during his military campaigns, turned to the ministers of the church with a request for help in caring for the wounded. During battles, nuns provided care to wounded soldiers. One nurse in particular was Sister Marta, who was known among the Napoleonic soldiers

Mercy sisters can be found all over the world but were officially established in 1808 in Germany, 1821 in Italy, 1834 in Austria and 1837 in the Czech Republic. One hundred years later (1884) there were 56 communities of sisters of mercy worldwide.

Over the past two centuries, a number of ethical and philosophic concepts have been introduced that had an impact on the evolution of medical ethics, especially with the advent of biomedical ethics and bioethics.

The founder of this ethical philosophy was an 18th century philosopher, jurist, and public figure named Jerome Bentham. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based on the basis of utility, where it’s centers morality in utility, and would be a useful way to measure morality in any human action, it is important to measure whether a certain action benefits an individual, a group or both. This way, we can determine whether the action should be encouraged or condemned. Jeremy Bentham would argue that the “greatest happiness principle” should be the starting point for any law or public institution. This principle states that all laws and activities in society should ask what will make their greatest number of people happiest- and not just a select few. 

The idea of “reverence for life” appeared in the 19th-20th centuries and is still present today. The true creator of this way of thinking was Albert Schweitzer.

According to A. Schweitzer, life is the most important and absolute value in regards to morality. He saw morality as a reverence for life in all its forms.

Schweitzer believed that reverence for life should be expressed in active mercy and compassion. He felt that this should take the form of service to humanity, which is both active and unambiguous. He believed that the provision of medical care to the patient, saving his life, is an unequivocal good.

Schweitzer’s ideas are becoming increasingly important in bioethics. They provide ways to solve difficult bioethical problems and see which ones are the most humane.

In the beginning of the 20th century, biomedical sciences emerged and new medical technologies were developed. Those included methods of anesthesia, antibiotics and other ways to stop infections, technology has opened up great possibilities for the active manipulation of human life. There’s a time and a place for interventions – this is the time to put the idea of targeted intervention into practice in both pathological ailment and corrections to normal human life. The scope is deep and wide, affecting biological, social and even mental levels. There has been a lot of talk about how to improve the human race. From biomedical and more, it seems like some people feel like we can do more with the help of technology.

For centuries, traditions dating back to Hippocrates have been preserved in the field of medical ethics. Along with the rise of medical research in Genetics, people are now beginning to understand the need for changes in the way people are modified. You can now go beyond modifying your organs and tissues to also modify DNA. The idea of human modification and selectively choosing the best people in society to create a new race with desirable traits has been around for a really long time, probably most notably as eugenics.

The twentieth century has been a time of great advancements in the field of medical ethics and technology. People have had their ideas about modifying human beings in order to create a better future come to fruition. Biomedical technologies can cause a lot of harm, and the more we use them, the higher those risks are. This is why it’s so important to ask the right questions before making decisions about the use of such technologies. One of the most famous examples of this is euthanasia in Nazi Germany, for example. Similarly, research done on people violates basic medical ethics and has been extensively used as a political weapon all over the world.

As the 20th century drew to a close and the 21st began, violence throughout society and the option of destroying human life came to prominence, related to the recognition of the absolute value of human life and the importance of caring for their environment. In the 1970s, a new form of medical ethics called bioethics began to emerge.

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